Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Floral Wreath to welcome in Christmas

This week is the start of the last run of classes for this year and they will be all about the Festive Wreath.

Yesterday I thoroughly enjoyed a Wreath class with a difference … well a difference to me since paper wasn't included and I wasn't hosting. Hubby had discovered this Wreath Workshop that was taking place in a beautiful village pub, The Plough, in Bolnhurst not far from us and had booked me onto it. 

I spent the day with some lovely ladies (and gent), learning how to make up a traditional floral wreath - clipping, stripping and building a wreath to be proud of from a real mix of firs, yew, herbs and other natural things … we had so much fun.

We could make a centrepiece for a table or quite simply one to hang on our door. I shall be proudly hanging mine one our front door, when we can get the fixings sorted, but for now, it is hanging in the garden, soaking up the beautiful sunshine. 

I still can't believe that I actually made this. We've been wanting a beautiful large wreath like this for our door at Christmas, for the past 4 years … well this Christmas we shall have … and one I've made … lovingly!

If any of the ladies who I shared the day with are reading this, then a big thank you for helping to make the day so enjoyable. I so much enjoyed all of your company and I hope you all have your wreaths hanging and being admired. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas …. 

Mikaela x

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