
Monday, September 19, 2016

More All Star Tutorial Bundles coming your way ...

Last month I shared with you the launch of Tutorial Bundles, a bundle of no less than twelve tutorials compiled by an amazing line up of International Demonstrators from around the globe.

Every month, for a period of six months, these Demonstrators each come up with a project to share, that's presented within one PDF tutorial bundle with instructions in both metric and imperial measurements. 

Many of you signed up for this last month, so you'll already know how fantastic the projects are and many of you received it for FREE for placing an order with me of over £50. Well, we're getting ready to release the next bundle of project tutorials for you. 

If you missed the projects from last month and would still like to buy them, or subscribe to the full six months, then you can read how to do this, by clicking on this image. 

Here are the Sneak Peeks for the tutorials that will be released later this week. For now though, be sure to check back on the last issue, see the sneak peek of the up coming issue and get subscribing today … Six months of tutorials for just five. 

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