
Monday, June 13, 2016

A Little Expression of Love for the Painters Palette

Painters Palette is a super versatile Stamp Set with a variety of splattered images that help you to create backgrounds of your choice.

Not quite my usual style of work, but this card has been CASED from the new Annual Catalogue. I'm not one for using much Washi tape either, but I love how just a stripe across the card, breaks up the patterned from the plain. 

A very simple card to create and one that would look great in many colours.

What colours would you use? 

Mikaela x


  1. Love this set Mikaela and loving the new in colors, especially Sweet Sugarplum x

  2. It's funny, but Sweet Sugarplum wouldn't normally be my favoured colour tone, but it's growing on me the more I play with it x
