
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mediterranean Achievers Blog Hop - One for the Guys

Welcome to the Grand Vacation Achievers Blog Hop for February. This month our theme is …. One for the Boys. 

I feel sure that you will find some incredible inspiration from the projects that you see throughout this hop, as I'm sitting here amongst some of the finest of Demonstrators, who I'm soon to share the experience of my first ever Grand Vacation Incentive Trip with … and I can't wait!

With Male Cards often being some of the hardest to create, sit back and enjoy what we all have to offer.

It's my Mother-in-law's 80th Birthday this coming weekend, which had me thinking of her husband and his love of gardening. The Botanical Garden's Suite in the Spring/Summer 2016 Catalogue, is so often used to produce such beautiful feminine creations, but I set myself a challenge to use the set to create something for the guys. 

I gave some thought to my husband and son with this card and the fact that they both like to know the mechanics of how things work … something a little different, but not right out there … so decided to punch a circle out of the bottom corner of the card, to embellish, decorating the hole, with Designer Series Paper on the inside.

Why a circle? …  Why not. All I knew was that I wanted to take the corner away, but to still have some floating embellishments. I think you can see it better in this final photo, that everything is anchored to the faux wooden stick and the Birthday marker.

I so love the little abstract stamps that come with sets like this and couldn't resist but couple them with what would normally be used as the centre of the die cut flowers.

This was my first play with this great bundle, that can be purchased with an amazing 15% saving, whilst receiving your choice of a Sale-a-Bration Item for FREE!

Thanks for taking part in our blog hop, there are so many amazing ideas and inspiration you don't want to miss. Remember that currently you are at my blog - Mikaela Titheridge, from The Crafty oINK Pen here in Cambridgeshire, UK, so check the blog hop line up list to see who is next in the list and enjoy.

Mikaela x


  1. Mikaela - I love the punched-out-corner! Talk about a bit of heightened interest for a card! And the way you've used the black flower centres as gears/cogs/whatever....totally unique and what a great idea too! Hope you had fun hopping with us this month! Have a terrific day and God Bless, ~Cynthia <><

  2. Great card Mikaela love the use of the bundle with the unusual card base. Zx

  3. What fun! Love your creativity❣

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments. I'm really not sure why I decided to punch that corner out, I think it simply started because I planned on placing the circle of DSP in that corner. Funny how our creations start and come together x

  5. I love the punched out corner - definitely adds interest :-)

  6. Love the punched out corner and floating leaves - great!

  7. WOW, Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments. I really wan't sure how Botanical Gardens used for a male card would be taken, but I'm so pleased that you like it x
